To infinity… and beyond!

This blog post is number 312! I almost titled it that, but for a closing post on an era, a simple number felt hollow. I considered things like “the end” or “well we did it” or  “that’s all folks,” and those seemed too final. “What next” seemed boring. Then I heard the iconic voice inContinue reading “To infinity… and beyond!”

Nutrition Chat… the basics.

We have been working with Stephanie Carter NTP for over a year to get an individual look at their nutritional deficits, heavy metal loads, and ways to support the horses for better health and performance.

She agreed to have a chat with us about nutrition basics!

The movie version

It’s an exciting time for green to 100 having finally taken on the single day 100 successfully. I hope you enjoyed the write up about the ride in the previous post: Ride Through Fire. I took video throughout the day and edited the clips into a look at the ride from the inside. If youContinue reading “The movie version”

Green for green

The truth is I’ve never felt very certain about anything this year… If I wasn’t certain before, this helped clarify: If we are doing 100 this year, it is NOT going to be at BSF. Gradually it became settled. The OD 100 is the plan, it probably was always the plan.

The Key

May 10, 2023 I had all the good intentions to give a more details write up from the No Frills ride in mid-April after posting the video clips, but ended up finding more contemplation from that ride fitting for the blog I release through the website for the book I published (The Jael Finishing SchoolContinue reading “The Key”


I have tried to write this update multiple times and seem to make a tangled mess out of it every time. Apparently it takes endurance to write about endurance! If you don’t follow the Hope Horsemanship [HH] blog, I encourage you to read my experience of spending a week with Harry Whitney in The MotionsContinue reading “True”

Respect or fear? Does it matter?

I have become addicted to the Inspector Gamache mystery novels by Louise Penny. I love the characters, the little town much of it takes place in, but even more I love the philosophical layers Penny unearths through the characters in each novel. In the most recent book I finished (A Great Reckoning) there is aContinue reading “Respect or fear? Does it matter?”

Blessed are the flexible…

… for they shall not be bent out of shape. Khaleesi has been on some down time after Big South Fork and I have been flung headlong into fall season of music program administration, teaching and rehearsals. I have done some hiking with her and then snuck in one unimpressive ride before the hurricane rainsContinue reading “Blessed are the flexible…”

And then there was one…

On Sunday afternoon, hours after the Big South Fork event was wrapped up I found myself (along with Khaleesi and Samwise) completely alone in the big field that had been pretty packed with people and horses for the past couple days. As I pondered feeling quite alone at the moment the thought came to meContinue reading “And then there was one…”