The movie version

It’s an exciting time for green to 100 having finally taken on the single day 100 successfully. I hope you enjoyed the write up about the ride in the previous post: Ride Through Fire. I took video throughout the day and edited the clips into a look at the ride from the inside. If youContinue reading “The movie version”

Riding through the fire.

…Of course the 100 mile ride I would finally complete would include riding through a forest fire… and yet the two things that concerned the fringes of my mind about this loop did not include the fire at all…

Six years later…

Yesterday was the prep day for packing up… and the last mountain hike for Khaleesi as we pick up speed toward departing for ride camp tomorrow. This weekend will be our second attempt at the infamous Beast of the East more officially knows as the Old Dominion 100 mile ride. I remember writing a blogContinue reading “Six years later…”

Green for green

The truth is I’ve never felt very certain about anything this year… If I wasn’t certain before, this helped clarify: If we are doing 100 this year, it is NOT going to be at BSF. Gradually it became settled. The OD 100 is the plan, it probably was always the plan.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018 I promised Khaleesi to adjust the competition schedule this year to reflect her request for less gnarly grueling rocky trails. As I am a woman of my word I did not enter the Beast of the East this year as a competitor. However I have grown to love my Old DominionContinue reading “Delta-one-one”

Gifts [edited]

Monday, June 12, 2017 One thing I love is finding ways everything is a gift- even the things you didn’t think you wanted. If you change perspective and turn them around enough you can see the beauty- but sometimes it takes a little squinting through tears! I am back from the OD safely and haveContinue reading “Gifts [edited]”

Love letter to my crew:

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 5:30am start on Saturday means an early morning- in fact 5:30 am start means I’m on my horse by 5:15 (ideally but it hardly ever works that way for me) so probably getting up by 4am to make sure we are adequately dosed with coffee. As for Khaleesi, I will offerContinue reading “Love letter to my crew:”

One week…

Saturday, June 3, 2017 Can I really be one week out? This thing I’ve been working towards for years… the thing that the closer it gets the farther away it seems… that concept of limits in high school calculus where the closer you get to something you infinitely split the space in half and never arrive….Continue reading “One week…”


Saturday, May 20, 2017 Less than a month to go till June 10 when I tack up for a 5:30am start at the OD100. My brain is ticking along and lists are getting made and checked off.  Thankfully riding and conditioning assignments are light in this time window because the amount of mental energy goingContinue reading “Details….”

Dragonfly in the sun… you know what I mean..

Butterfly out having fun… you know what I mean… Saturday, May 13, 2017 Back to song lyrics again. Sometimes I just can’t get them out of my head and this one has stuck since my last ride a couple days ago.  Feeling Good… One month till our first 100 and the assignment from my enduranceContinue reading “Dragonfly in the sun… you know what I mean..”