The triple crown

Hi greento100 readers… This post on Hope Horsemanship shares the details of the final ride of the season… the ride video, and what’s up next. Check it out here: The Triple Crown (HH) And don’t forget if you haven’t already – subscribe to the HH blog to stay updated!

The weight of a thought

Considering we were in the front third or so of almost sixty riders, I didn’t have much to worry about finding other horses going out on trail. We were released with a couple other riders, and there were a couple just behind. This seemed set up well to help us motivate out into the long middle loop, and if we could just get past the magnetic thought field of base camp I knew she’d go along fine. Or so I thought. Within a few steps, we began to trot along with the small group and to my horror Khaleesi began limping at the trot. This was not a questionable, am I imagining she might be off, this felt practically three-legged lame. We walked a few steps and tried again only to find the same limp and immediately dismounted….

To infinity… and beyond!

This blog post is number 312! I almost titled it that, but for a closing post on an era, a simple number felt hollow. I considered things like “the end” or “well we did it” or  “that’s all folks,” and those seemed too final. “What next” seemed boring. Then I heard the iconic voice inContinue reading “To infinity… and beyond!”

Nutrition Chat… the basics.

We have been working with Stephanie Carter NTP for over a year to get an individual look at their nutritional deficits, heavy metal loads, and ways to support the horses for better health and performance.

She agreed to have a chat with us about nutrition basics!

The movie version

It’s an exciting time for green to 100 having finally taken on the single day 100 successfully. I hope you enjoyed the write up about the ride in the previous post: Ride Through Fire. I took video throughout the day and edited the clips into a look at the ride from the inside. If youContinue reading “The movie version”

Riding through the fire.

…Of course the 100 mile ride I would finally complete would include riding through a forest fire… and yet the two things that concerned the fringes of my mind about this loop did not include the fire at all…

Six years later…

Yesterday was the prep day for packing up… and the last mountain hike for Khaleesi as we pick up speed toward departing for ride camp tomorrow. This weekend will be our second attempt at the infamous Beast of the East more officially knows as the Old Dominion 100 mile ride. I remember writing a blogContinue reading “Six years later…”

Green for green

The truth is I’ve never felt very certain about anything this year… If I wasn’t certain before, this helped clarify: If we are doing 100 this year, it is NOT going to be at BSF. Gradually it became settled. The OD 100 is the plan, it probably was always the plan.

The Key

May 10, 2023 I had all the good intentions to give a more details write up from the No Frills ride in mid-April after posting the video clips, but ended up finding more contemplation from that ride fitting for the blog I release through the website for the book I published (The Jael Finishing SchoolContinue reading “The Key”