Green for green

The truth is I’ve never felt very certain about anything this year… If I wasn’t certain before, this helped clarify: If we are doing 100 this year, it is NOT going to be at BSF. Gradually it became settled. The OD 100 is the plan, it probably was always the plan.

Top of the ninth…

As we all turn a page from one year into the next I realize this will by my ninth year studying, training for, and working through the process of endurance riding. So I write this as a newbie in comparison to the true veterans of the sport. Yesterday was unseasonably mild and it made forContinue reading “Top of the ninth…”

Everything is grace.

I really need to be on the road early. It would be so much easier to close her in the smaller paddock than take the chance I’ll have to follow her around the many acre field in the near dawn hoping she will be on board with leaving with me for the weekend. She isn’tContinue reading “Everything is grace.”

First things first!

Hello Green to 100 readers! I am excited to share some new video content through green to 100. In the recent survey most responded they wanted to improve the relationship with their horse yet didn’t believe they had the time needed to do this effectively. No matter how good our relationships are with horses thereContinue reading “First things first!”


I like to imagine a horse knows her name and will tell you if you ask. Khaleesi was born on March 17 and named Shamrock temporarily until she was renamed Ireland. I knew when she came to live with me however, that she had a real name and would reveal it when she was readyContinue reading “Kairos”


May 1, 2019 I have struggled to write since my last post; it’s been the longest hiatus since I began the blog. It’s not due to lack of activity or material as much as there have been many seeds coming up all over the place with no finished concepts maturing into a blog that wouldContinue reading “Eighth”


Happy New Year! A friend recently told me her family always has a single word to define the year ahead. As I pondered this concept I was working through the meaning of a recent dream. I journaled through the dream and the word came to me clear as the dawn of a new day ofContinue reading “REGROWTH”

Better than I deserve

Monday, October 22, 2018 Home from the last ride of 2018 I’m pleased and a little surprised to say we had a fantastic day. Better than expected and truly better than I deserved. The abrupt drop in temps made for a great morning for Khaleesi who has a full on winter fuzz coat that IContinue reading “Better than I deserve”

Fly into the turbulence

Saturday, September 22, 2018 I often wake up in the dark on race day and get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and wonder what I’m doing here. Why do I do this? Fear. Yes. I do feel fear. Thursday morning my biggest fear was that my Scootboots would fail me. WhatContinue reading “Fly into the turbulence”


August 13, 2018 Things in the barn have been quiet lately. No that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped going! Very funny. After years… at least four or five or even six… of seeking a different way of relating to horses… of struggling to connect and communicate with them more effectively. Something has clicked over. Friday IContinue reading “Peace”