Green for green

The truth is I’ve never felt very certain about anything this year… If I wasn’t certain before, this helped clarify: If we are doing 100 this year, it is NOT going to be at BSF. Gradually it became settled. The OD 100 is the plan, it probably was always the plan.

A thousand paper cuts

“If you’re doing something wrong you will find resistance. If you’re doing something right you will find resistance. When you should be concerned is when you don’t find any resistance.” Kris Vallotton Fort Valley 50 is a week away. I am used to resistance. In fact just getting to this year was a struggle throughContinue reading “A thousand paper cuts”

Six Feet Over the Line

I am beyond pleased to report that the Blackhorse Ride this weekend brought celebration and success and the mare I’ve poured so much into greatly outperformed my hopes and expectations. Oddly enough I felt unusually unsure of myself while loading my horse onto the trailer and hitting the road on Friday morning. In fact IContinue reading “Six Feet Over the Line”

The Right Result

Joyce Meyer has a saying: if you keep doing the right things, eventually you will get a right result. The right things are usually not the easy things. The right things come with resistance, struggle and doubt. But if you hang in there I believe what Joyce says is true, the right result will come.Continue reading “The Right Result”

The Relationship

I knew when I brought home Ireland (now Khaleesi) as a barely handled 4 year old that I didn’t want a horse that complied with what I wanted or needed out of fear or force. I wanted a willing horse who would choose to be my partner. I didn’t want a trained horse, I wantedContinue reading “The Relationship”

First things first!

Hello Green to 100 readers! I am excited to share some new video content through green to 100. In the recent survey most responded they wanted to improve the relationship with their horse yet didn’t believe they had the time needed to do this effectively. No matter how good our relationships are with horses thereContinue reading “First things first!”


I know it’s true only thing we can count on is change itself. And the winds of change are stirring in many places from my viewshed. It adds to the quieting that Fall already brings, beautiful in its descend toward winter and the cycle of death and rebirth that is the most jarring for meContinue reading “Ch-ch-ch-changes”

Set back

Maybe it’s only my experience, but an active life with horses seems impossible without a wandering success curve. Possibly if you have a couple pasture pets that don’t have much work to do except to eat and poop it’s not so striking, but try to use a horse in a discipline of any serious sortContinue reading “Set back”

With me.

Last week was a milestone for Wyoming and me. Her first solo ride. I had gone to the barn with that plan in mind, however when I arrived I had my doubts if it would be the right day. Well it wasn’t upon arrival. Everything seemed fine at that point. In fact my horses wereContinue reading “With me.”

Will you meet me here?

Emily Kemp returned for another clinic last week and once again an inspiring week of growing deeper with friends and horses. The takeaway with the most impact this time for me was: Will you meet me here? Behind this question is the idea you have to give what you want to get. I believe thatContinue reading “Will you meet me here?”