The movie version

It’s an exciting time for green to 100 having finally taken on the single day 100 successfully. I hope you enjoyed the write up about the ride in the previous post: Ride Through Fire. I took video throughout the day and edited the clips into a look at the ride from the inside. If youContinue reading “The movie version”

Riding through the fire.

…Of course the 100 mile ride I would finally complete would include riding through a forest fire… and yet the two things that concerned the fringes of my mind about this loop did not include the fire at all…

Six years later…

Yesterday was the prep day for packing up… and the last mountain hike for Khaleesi as we pick up speed toward departing for ride camp tomorrow. This weekend will be our second attempt at the infamous Beast of the East more officially knows as the Old Dominion 100 mile ride. I remember writing a blogContinue reading “Six years later…”

Green for green

The truth is I’ve never felt very certain about anything this year… If I wasn’t certain before, this helped clarify: If we are doing 100 this year, it is NOT going to be at BSF. Gradually it became settled. The OD 100 is the plan, it probably was always the plan.

Top of the ninth…

As we all turn a page from one year into the next I realize this will by my ninth year studying, training for, and working through the process of endurance riding. So I write this as a newbie in comparison to the true veterans of the sport. Yesterday was unseasonably mild and it made forContinue reading “Top of the ninth…”

Some trust in horses…

As long as the vet-in this afternoon holds no surprises, we have at least made it to the start of attempt #2 at the single-day 100 mile ride here at Big South Fork Recreation Area in TN. If we were signed up for the 50 I would say I feel pretty confident that barring theContinue reading “Some trust in horses…”

Efficiency & Energy Leaks

March 30, 2022 Where is the energy leaking? This question asked by Emily Kemp last summer has been key for me in pinpointing what is going on in my horse as I’m riding her.  I want to bring K around not only with cardio fitness and muscling but the muscles in the right places toContinue reading “Efficiency & Energy Leaks”

Begin again… again… again…

March 11, 2022 I haven’t had much to write since the end of January when I mused about the predatory nature of humans and how it can affect our horse herds. We have had winter, and it’s busy season for me in the music world. The November-January rabbit hole of liberty experimentation fell away toContinue reading “Begin again… again… again…”

…. And GO!

Below is an excerpt from my Hope Horsemanship August Clinic update. This portion focuses on what Khaleesi & I worked on that I believe will make our endurance riding more successful over time. Currently Iva & I are planning to head to Big South Fork the weekend of September 10 for a 55 mile rideContinue reading “…. And GO!”

Six Feet Over the Line

I am beyond pleased to report that the Blackhorse Ride this weekend brought celebration and success and the mare I’ve poured so much into greatly outperformed my hopes and expectations. Oddly enough I felt unusually unsure of myself while loading my horse onto the trailer and hitting the road on Friday morning. In fact IContinue reading “Six Feet Over the Line”